In a Funk? Here’s How to Shake It Off

Another great article from WebMD that you might enjoy:

When You're Feeling Down

When You're Feeling Down


We all get in a bit of a rut now and then. You can usually pull yourself out of one with a little self-care. But if feelings of anxiety or sadness regularly cause problems at work or home, talk to your doctor about them.

Reach Out

Reach Out


Meet a close friend for a walk if you have one nearby. If they’re all too far away, make a call. Talking with someone you care about can help you feel supported and less stressed. Along with lifting your mood, research shows it can strengthen your immune system so your body is better at fighting illness, and it's good for your heart, too.

Have a Little Dark Chocolate

Have a Little Dark Chocolate


It has chemicals called flavanols that can make more blood flow to your brain and may help you think more clearly. But don’t overdo it. Chocolate also has fat and calories and lots of caffeine, too. Just a small square of the dark stuff -- 70% cocoa or more -- 2 or 3 times a week may be all you need.

Play Some Tunes

Play Some Tunes


Music can affect your brain in the same way chocolate or sex does. And when you sing along -- it doesn’t matter how well -- your brain makes natural painkillers that can give your mood a boost. 




This can help ease tension in your muscles, and when you breathe in quickly, your heart and lungs get a boost, too. Laughing also makes your brain release chemicals that help your body fight pain and infection. So hunt down some funny clips of your favorite TV show. It’s not goofing off -- it’s good for you.

Do a Good Deed

Do a Good Deed


When you do something nice for someone, your body makes hormones called endorphins. These are natural painkillers linked to trust, pleasure, and a connection with other people. Helping others also has been shown to raise your self-esteem.

Hug Your Dog

Hug Your Dog


Just being around your pet can make you feel better. Your body releases a hormone called oxytocin that lifts your mood and bonds you to other living things.

Drink Water

Drink Water


When your body needs water, you can feel tired, cranky, or a little blah. It may even affect your mental sharpness. If you’re not excited about drinking a glass of water, you can get it from food: Fruits and vegetables are good sources.

Go Outside

Go Outside


Not only can it lift your mood, but it also can be good for your blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and stress level. You'll get even more out of it if you take your dog with you and add in some exercise. At the office, a plant on your desk or a picture of the woods can make you feel less anxious or irritable.




You don’t have to sweat it out at the gym. A 10-minute walk seems to lift your spirits just as well as a 45-minute workout. And people who exercise often deal with stress better overall. Invite a friend and do something outside to boost the benefit.

Eat Something

Eat Something (Healthy)


If you don’t eat enough to fuel your day, you can get tired, hungry, and maybe even a little snippy -- “hangry.” Just make sure to eat the good stuff: Whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and lean meats have nutrients to feed your brain and perk you up. They also take longer to digest, so you have energy throughout the day instead of all at once. Things like junk food may give you a boost, but a crash may follow.

Have Sex

Have Sex


It may help boost heart and brain health and lower stress, especially if it’s with a committed partner. It even seems to help some people with headaches, including migraines.




Focus on your breath and try to keep your mind free of thoughts. When a worry enters your mind, try to let it go. It’s OK if you get distracted -- the point of meditation is to continue to try. It can calm you down and lift your mood, especially if you make it a regular part of your day.

Rest Up

Rest Up


Sleep can ease anxiety and boost your mood and focus -- try for 7 to 9 hours a night. If you have trouble going to sleep, keep your room cool, dark, and quiet and don’t watch TV or use the computer right before you turn in. It also helps to go to bed and get up at the same times every day.

Take a Vacation

Take a Vacation


If you just can’t shake out of it, you may need time to recharge, relax, and take stock. This can help you see all the good things in your life that get lost in the rush of daily routine. It also gets you away from the stress of work or home life and can help you bond with family and friends. 

EPILYNX SELFCARE TIP: and of course some selfcare might help! Selfcare is better than healthcare since when you give a little time to yourself and a bit of love, your mood will change in an instant. Take a spa day, go do your nails, get some fun makeup and pamper yourself!


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